Ben Lustenhouwer

Dutch portrait painter


I don’t only paint portraits. In 2017, after having decided not to accept commissions anymore I gave myself more time to dive into other themes. I find great freedom (not to mention fun) in this expansion.


  1. Anita Hooning March 31, 2020

    Prachtig werk! Plein air is heerlijk schilderen.

  2. Judy April 6, 2020

    Dear Mr Lustenhouwer—-my smile is now “fixed” for the day, thanks to your wonderful, magnificent on-line sharing: (not certain what started me ‘off’ to your YourTube “3 Color Zones in the Face”) that video, summerschool, blog section: SorollaAddiction, Personal, SanAnton fiestasChelva,IllustrArchive, 2017these landscapes.!! You are a fabulous gentle-speaking teacher.
    Since we are all coping or trying to cope and accept the current difficult times, I applaude you, and also your wife! OF COURSE.
    Tis time for me to get painting(I hav ‘assignments’ from both my watercolour tutor and my acrylics teacher [whom we call ‘Sir’ when we want to ignore his expertise!] I will stop photographing the splendid clouds outside my window! THANK YOU!(Sorolla is very special)

  3. Charles C Krause April 10, 2020

    Ben, I must at least let you know that your renderings leave me at peace with such stunning mastery of craft. For some odd reason, every time I see something new, I start to compare you with Cezanne.
    Also, your video tutorials on YouTube are so well explained and interesting, I keep looking for more.
    I”m so afraid to even start oil painting but I know great work when I see it.
    Yours truly,
    Charles Krause

  4. Juliette May 7, 2020

    Dear Mr Lustenhouwer,

    I am writing in the off chance that you will read this.I am a big fan of yours and have watched all of your videos on Youtube.I live in Munich and am a painter myself. I would be very grateful if I could ask you to look at my paintings and tell me what you see is the main problem? If you agree could you send me a little note so that I can send you some photos.I studied in London. I do not have a website yet.

    Thankyou in advance


    • Ben Lustenhouwer May 7, 2020 — Post author

      Dear Juliette.
      Sure. Send me some paintings. No problem.

    • Jessica May 18, 2020

      Hello Mr Lustenhouwer,
      I wanted to thank you for posting these videos. I discovered them since the confinement and it has been helping me tremendously get through it. I would love to have your feedback on my work. Could you email me so I can send you the link?
      Thank you again for your generous teachings. It is truly touching to have someone of your caliber share your knowledge with the world.

  5. Crystal June 21, 2020

    I love your work! I have learned so much. You are such a great painter and teacher. I would love to buy your videos, but did not see a dvd offer. Im sure theres a lot of people who would buy them. Thank you. Crystal

  6. Andrea January 25, 2021

    Dear Ben Lustenhouwer,

    I am completely flashed by your pictures. How is it possible to handle colours in a way you do – seems as if you feel them?
    However, thank you for sharing your pictures and for showing how to get there. I’m working on this part …. 😉
    In the mean time I would love to catch a glimpse of this beauty whenever a new day begins. Do you sell them by any chance?

    Yours faithfully, Andrea

    • Ben Lustenhouwer January 27, 2021 — Post author

      Thank you Andrea. You refer to the morning photographs that I sometimes make?

  7. Liesbeth Afek March 20, 2021

    Dear Ben,

    Do you give any workshops this summer,July/ August in Holland?
    Best wishes

  8. Gail Franklin December 22, 2021

    Do you have videos for sale. Thanks

    • Ben Lustenhouwer December 24, 2021 — Post author

      Yes I have. Let me know if you want the DVD version.

  9. FRANCOIS DALAIS July 26, 2022


    • Ben Lustenhouwer July 27, 2022 — Post author

      I don´t give private classes anymore. Sorry Francois

  10. Marjorie Hooker June 7, 2023

    My dear Mr. Lustenouwer, I am a young 84 and have decided to
    take up painting again. I painted in my 20s and until my 50s when I began writing and gave up painting. After I retired from the news-paper I worked for I began quilting but how many quilts can a person make? Now I want to return to my first love: painting cowboys and Indians–portraits, not full body.
    Your lessons on YouTube are just wonderful. Your teaching is just what I have needed to get those juices flowing again. I love your style and the gentle but informative way you teach: the how AND the WHY. I wish I could have found you years ago!!

    • Ben Lustenhouwer June 7, 2023 — Post author

      Thank you Marjorie for your nice comment. Keep painting!

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