There is a philosophy that says you can divide your life into three equal parts: The first part is taken up with learning. Growing up, becoming an adult and choosing a course of study that appeals to you. The second part would be devoted to work, bringing home the bacon, if possible making a fortune.
The last part of life should be dedicated to the well-being of your loved ones, or if you want to see it in broader terms, improving the world using your accumulated funds. I am by no means a millionaire or a do-gooder. However this idea of a period of life dedicated to giving appeals to me.

The first part of my life was indeed filled with growing up, but I was never good at studying in the normal sense. I was not the best learner, or at least I never thought so. I had the luck to attend the drawing classes of Beatus Nijs. These lessons were one of the most important things that could have happened to me, but I would not find that out till later in my life.
I started working as an artist at a very young age and by trial and error I was able to survive as an artist.
Since I am in the third part of my life, I have started to realize that I want to share all the knowledge I have gained in this profession. I teach and make videos in which I give text and tutorials for what has become my great passion: portrait painting.
From 2017 on I stopped accepting portrait assignments and now I give myself the freedom to paint whatever comes to mind, and besides this, I will continue teaching and sharing my knowledge. If you are interested please visit my blog or have a look on YouTube to see my many videos on portrait painting.
Katia June 9, 2019
I am interested in oil painting workshops. Can u send me summer 2019 schedule for workshops.
Thank you
Ben Lustenhouwer July 12, 2019 — Post author
Hello Katia.
This summer there are no workshops. ( I took a sabbatical) next year there will be. Sign in for my news letter and you will find news on classes in 2020. see: https://paintingportraittips.com
Lorraine Alexander April 27, 2020
Hello there, I am an artist as well I just discovered you on YouTube and I have really enjoyed watching. I want to commend you on your teaching technique with portraiture and thank you for sharing from the bottom of my heart. I love what you said about the third part of your life which is where I am at. I started out with portraiture how many years ago and my art took me to Santa Fe New Mexico. I’ve been studying the landscape and doing plein air painting but I miss portraiture and I think I’m going to tackle it again because I love people and I love painting them!
Ben Lustenhouwer April 27, 2020 — Post author
Best wishes from Spain. Ben
Ben Lustenhouwer July 12, 2019 — Post author
Dear Will. The problem of “sinking in” areas can have several causes, but there is a simpel solution. ¨Sinking in” means that the oil of the paint is soaked into the previous layers or into the canvas. Apply enough gesso although the canvas comes “prepared for oil”. I ALWAYS apply three layers extra of gesso.So, having applied enough gesso and still some areas appear dull, treat them with medium. But take care: once the paint is dry. Rub in with your fingers.The other option is, once dry to the touch apply retouching varnish.Look here: https://youtu.be/ANdOXGepWWo
Lydia Umney August 19, 2019
Please keep me updated with news of your new videos and workshops.
Many thanks,
Lydia Umney
Ben Lustenhouwer August 20, 2019 — Post author
I will Lydia.
Danny Klein September 8, 2019
Beste Ben,
Ik kwam jou en je schitterende werk tegen op internet.
Je hebt voor mij jaren geleden een prachtig portret geschilderd van mijn overleden vader. (Via de portretwinkel in Haarlem) je had enkel wat vage vakantie foto’s maar je wist toch een ongelooflijk treffend portret te maken.
Ik kijk er iedere dag met veel plezier naar. Een prachtig portret van mijn vader virtuoos en intiem met een echte ziel. Nogmaals mijn oprechte dank.
PS. Ik gebruik nog regelmatig jou uitspraak: “ik was een oude illustrator maar vanaf nu een jonge schilder”
Mvg Danny Klein
Ben Lustenhouwer September 9, 2019 — Post author
Wat leuk om te horen. Gr. Ben
Tia Moore November 24, 2019
hello Mr Lustenhouwer
I am really interested in your work and would love to look at it in more detail for my artist research for my a level art. I was wondering what inspired you to get into art? and what is it about portraits that make you want to replicate them for your art? I think your work is absolutely amazing and I hope that one day I can produce art as amazing as yours.
from a huge fan
Ben Lustenhouwer November 25, 2019 — Post author
Hello Tia. Let me try to give you an answer. Imagine a world-champion cyclist. How did he get there? At a young age he realized he had talent for the bicycle. So he trained and got better and better. After a long journey he was able to win. But why?? May be he was not good at Basketball or Rugby! Similar is my career. As a kid I was good in drawing but bad at school. So I used my talents and succeeded as an artist.There is a lot to tell about the trip to the top but in a nutshell this is my answer.
Stav April 4, 2020
Hey, AMAZING work!!! Would you like to do an introduction in oil painting basics? Thank you for you time!
Ben Lustenhouwer April 5, 2020 — Post author
Thank you. I am making videos on oil painting for portraits . See my Youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJZ9YOuPr8UihOPydCUmp6Q/
Kind regards.
blog April 9, 2020
Hi! I’ve been following your site for a long time now and finally
got the courage to go ahead and give you a shout out from
Houston Tx! Just wanted to say keep up the
fantastic job!
Maureen Moore April 28, 2020
Dear Ben, Thank you for your generosity of spirit, your talent for teaching, and especially the enchanting way you paint and share your thought processes. It’s quite mesmerizing! I’m a landscape artist but I could watch and listen for hours on end. With much gratitude, a fan from San Diego, CA. Stay safe and well.
Ben Lustenhouwer April 28, 2020 — Post author
Thank you Maureen for your kind words.
susan zeng May 2, 2020
Ben ,I like your life philosopy ,portrait paintings and landscape paintings. How can I learn from you in person or online.
I couldn’t find your online classes or your DVD sales.
My name is Susan Zeng and I am living in Maryland USA. Now I am in my last part of life. I have to catch my time to paint more and more to fufill my life dream.
My best regards
Thank you!
Ben Lustenhouwer May 5, 2020 — Post author
Thank you Susan. I am afraid to tell you I do not teach online. I make videos on Youtube. I hope they are of help for you.
Kind regards.
Les Thompson May 23, 2020
Hello, Mr. Lustenhouwer,
I am just getting back to painting after several years away. I used to pair landscapes, but I recently inherited from my father his easel, tablet, and portraits that he had started but did not have time to complete. One of them is of my mother and I want to finish it for him. Both have passed so this is a personal quest. I have much to learn and your YouTubes have given me inspiration. Thank you! O have subscribed to your YouTube’s.
I hope you are starting healthy during this pandemic!
Ben Lustenhouwer May 23, 2020 — Post author
Thank you Les and all the best with your paintings.
Francine Proulx Harvey May 30, 2020
I came across you quite by accident (I like that part of life, the serendipity) and am so glad I did. Being a portrait artist has been my goal since I’ve seen my first Rembrandt. It is not an easy process for me (although you make it look easy) I started late in life, being 68 but I’m determined to be as good as I can be. Thanks for your words of encouragement, your humour and your generosity in sharing what you know.
Ben Lustenhouwer May 31, 2020 — Post author
Thank you Francine. Go for your dreams! I had my share of sufferings and doubts and I also stumbled my way to improvement.
Kind regards. Ben.
José Puyelli June 7, 2020
Estimado Sr. Ben, no pude escribirle apenas lo conocí porque no pude parar de ver sus videos …y sigo buscando más! Realmente admiro su arte, su honestidad, su sensibilidad para captar la psicología de los personajes, su maestría. También su generosidad y habilidades como docente y sus capacidades como comunicador, en la claridad del mensaje, la amplitud de los temas tratados y por mostrar su mundo interno, su pasado y su atelier. Y sobre todo, la nobleza de carácter y naturaleza bondadosa que trasciende la distancia de lo virtual. Muchas gracias por sus retratos y sus enseñanzas!
Ben Lustenhouwer June 8, 2020 — Post author
Muchas gracias José. Hago lo que puedo y me alegro mucho que a los demás les gusta. Sigo con mis videos. Un saludo desde Valencia.
Laura Fuchs June 28, 2020
I cannot thank you enough for your wonderful videos! I can paint people now that don’t look like zombies!! You are such a wonderful artist and so generous with your knowledge! Please keep us posted if you have any workshops after all this COVID business is over. I would love to travel from the US to learn from you in person!
Ben Lustenhouwer August 19, 2020 — Post author
Thank you Laura for your kind words. After summer I continue making videos.
Betty Bullen January 9, 2021
Mr. Lustenhouse, I love you paintings. Each one is fresh and has its own unique story or expression. Think I have watched all your videos more than several times. Do you teach workshops where a student might benefit from your critique as well as instructions? Please send me information
Ben Lustenhouwer January 10, 2021 — Post author
Dear Betty. Thank you. I do teach next year in Holland but there us already a long waiting list.
Klaas van den hurk January 23, 2021
Thank you Ben for making the video of painting and drawing hands. It is very difficult to paint hands, but it is true , that when you draw the hands a lot, it helps to do it better and better.
I did so myself and painted also the hands of a old woman.
Ben Lustenhouwer January 24, 2021 — Post author
And keep painting!!!
Lori March 3, 2021
I purchased “portrait of a little boy” around 6 years ago. At that time I had a different email account that is no longer active and have since moved countries and have a different cell phone. I’ve tried on multiple occasions to log in to flux player so that i can access this video again, but i cannot remember the password and cannot change the password due to the fact that the email I had signed up for is no longer active.
The email address I had purchased with is lorihanson@live.com. but it’s no longer active.
Could you please send me a new way of accessing this video with my new email ladylorihanson@gmail.com please. I was never able to completely absorb the study that Ben taught and I really would like to study this again. I know it’s my fault for not keeping a better track of things, but I feel I’ve wasted $75 since i cannot access it.
Thank you so much for considering this, I’m so grateful
Ben Lustenhouwer March 3, 2021 — Post author
Hi Lori. I will forward your question to the people of the streaming company. They will get in touch very soon.
Kind regards.
Liesbeth Afek March 8, 2021
Dear Ben,
Since the discovery , recently, on you tube, of you excellent and fascinating tutorials, I am filled with inspiration again!
Portrait painting is a new area for me, and I could not have found a better teacher!
Thank you so much for all the tons of insightful information you share with us.
My heart is filled with gratitude.
Ben Lustenhouwer March 9, 2021 — Post author
Thank you Liesbeth, nice to hear.
Klaus Møller May 9, 2021
Dear Ben,
Do you take orders too?
Ben Lustenhouwer May 9, 2021 — Post author
Not anymore. Sorry.
Jess October 7, 2021
Hi Ben Lustenhouwer, My name is Jess. I think this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sxce77G4C_A) is wonderful, and the painting is even better!
I was actually hoping to get a hold of you to ask your permission to use a screengrab of this video to have in the background of a Mock Funeral I’m recording for my Certificate 4 in Celebrancy. I have to record myself performing a mock funeral I wrote for a fictional man named ‘Harold George Smith’ and when I watched this video I thought he was the perfect younger image of what this Harold may have been. It would be on a tv behind me, paused on the end result of this video as a realistic funeral setting background. I would of course love to credit your work in the video description. I look forward to hearing back from you.
Kindest Regards, Jessica van Heusden
Liesbeth Afek October 11, 2021
Dear Ben,
last year i was too late registering for your Workshop in Holland.
I love your portraits and way of teaching.
Could you please let me know if and when you are teaching again in Holland? I would love to join your workshop.
Thanks a lot
Liesbeth Afek
Jamela February 11, 2022
Thank you for sharing your knowlege. I think that’s a very admirable trait. I learn so much from your free vid. I look forward to a workshop or tutorial.
Ben Lustenhouwer February 11, 2022 — Post author
Thank you. If there will be a workshop I don´t know, but tutorials sure!
Fatma Nur Bestay March 5, 2022
Hi, can you please let me know whether I can attend an in person workshop this year? I am learning lots from your videos already. Thank you and looking forward to hearing from you.
Ben Lustenhouwer March 7, 2022 — Post author
Dear Fatma. For the moment there are no plans for workshops this year.
Elliott April 4, 2022
I too am an older person; I make illustrations for a magazine. They’re chiefly in black and white, but I aspire to make paintings as well. Your video on the three color “zones” of the man’s head is very helpful to me, since I’m chiefly a black-and-white artist. I’m learning to keep the ears red!
Question: do you think that digital painting will overtake oil painting? I believe that it will. In any event, your teaching will be valuable to future artists.
Ben Lustenhouwer April 4, 2022 — Post author
I don´t know if digital painting will take over. And it does not puzzle me at all. I cannot do without the smell of the oily-oil paint. But maybe in the future the digital devices will send out some smell too. You never know.
Charles Kerber MD May 1, 2022
Your videos have been priceless – more than just good teaching, actually inspirational.
You have created several videos about how to start a painting, how to avoid pitfalls, and so on, but when I look at your last posting – the painting of your granddaughter (How to start a portrait in oil. Fundamental approach to prevent mistakes), it occurs to me the last image that you show in the teaching session and the finished image are different. The finished image is painterly and flawless. Which brings to mind a request: Another video “How To Finish a Painting.”
Ben Lustenhouwer May 2, 2022 — Post author
Hi Charles. Thank you for your kind words. And A good idea! How to finish a painting.
Johnny Doherty May 17, 2022
Hello Ben,
I have been following you on YouTube the last few years and have bought your videos which I found extremely helpful.
Will you be having any courses in Holland or elsewhere? I would love to attend them if you do.
Johnny ( Ireland )
Ben Lustenhouwer May 19, 2022 — Post author
Thank you Johnny. I don´t have any plans for workshops in the near future.
Roeland van Reem May 18, 2022
Hi Ben ! Miss you on Face Book !
Ben Lustenhouwer May 19, 2022 — Post author
Hallo Roeland. Een tijd geleden besloot ik om Facebook te verlaten. Ik had er genoeg van. Nu ben ik op Instagram te zien.
Hartelijke groet.
Ingrid Van Oostveen January 1, 2023
Dag Ben, sinds kort heb ik je ontdekt op you tube. Erg mooi !
Ik heb een vraag: is het mogelijk dat je per mail advies geeft over een portret waar ik aan bezig ben, ik worstel met de kleuren nl.
Ik hoor het graag. Hartelijke groet, Ingrid
Ben Lustenhouwer January 5, 2023 — Post author
Dag Ingrid. Normaal geef ik geen advies via internet maar je mag gerust wat sturen hoor, dan zal ik ernaar kijken.
Jan Borkent January 5, 2023
Hallo Ben,
Als amateurschilder zou ik nog graag eens les krijgen in portretschilderen. Geef je dit jaar ook les in Nederland, zoals je enkel jaren geleden ook gedaan hebt?
Andere mogelijkheid is om naar een camping te komen bij jou in de buurt in Spanje. Zou je info kunnen geven over de mogelijkheden?
Ben Lustenhouwer January 7, 2023 — Post author
Hallo Jan. Vooralsnog heb ik nog geen concrete plannen om les te geven. Wellicht later dit jaar maar nog lang niet zeker.
Klaas van den Hurk February 2, 2023
Beste Ben,
Ik geniet altijd van je video’s en heb er al veel van geleerd. Ik heb me ook toegelicht op portretschilderen en het gaat steeds beter. Ik heb tijdens je laatste video, die overigens weer heel leerzaam was, mee zitten schetsen aan je model. Het is redelijk gelukt. Klein formaat 8×6 cm. Ik heb hem op mijn site geplaatst. http://www.klaasvandenhurk.nl
Ben Lustenhouwer February 5, 2023 — Post author
Dank je Klaas. Ik zag het portret. Leuk!
JST February 3, 2023
Hey Ben!
I just wanted to drop by and say, as a young artist, your videos are very inspirational to me! Thank you kindly for all the work that you do, and for your decision to share your knowledge with the world.
Ben Lustenhouwer February 5, 2023 — Post author
Thank you . Always nice to hear
Silva Hovhannesian March 17, 2023
Hello Ben,
I have just started watching your YouTube channel, I am a new artist. The way you teach and explain everything is a big help! I can’t say enough thank you! You are a great teacher! You are giving all your time and knowledge! Only a great human being does what you are doing.
All the best!
Ben Lustenhouwer March 19, 2023 — Post author
Thank you for your kind words Silva.
Brechtje July 5, 2023
Hallo Ben,
Ik ben net begonnen met schilderen en kijk gretig naar je filmpjes op YouTube. Daarin lijkt het of je in beperkte tijd een heel portret schildert. Kan je mij een indicatie geven, wat de reële tijd is, die gepaard gaat met een gemiddeld portret? Vooral ook, hoe vaak je stopt om het te laten drogen voor je weer verder kan/corrigeren kan.
Tot nu toe geeft geen enkele tutorial daar info over, waardoor ik geen realistische verwachtingen heb
Alvast dank voor je reactie,
Ben Lustenhouwer July 6, 2023 — Post author
Hallo Brechtje. Om te beginnen zou ik zeggen staar je niet dood op de tijd. Het is zo dat ik het gezicht in één dag schilder. Maar dat is niet voor iedereen weggelegd dat weet ik heel goed. De reden dat ik in één dag het gezicht moet hebben geschilderd ligt in de droogtijd van de verf. Ik wil dat de verf nog nat is zolang ik aan het stuk werk. Meestal is de verf de volgende dag hier en daar al aan het drogen. Als ik nu merk dat in een dag niet alles is zoals ik zou willen dan leg ik het doek of paneel, als het tenminste niet te groot is, in de koelkast. Maar wanneer je meer laag over laag werkt, dat heet glaceren, dan kan je rustiger aan doen en het proces uitsmeren over meerdere dagen. Ik hou daar niet van, en ik kan het niet eens. Ik wil frisse en heldere toetsen zien. Dat houdt in dat ik zoveel mogelijk moet proberen om ineens de goede toets neer te zetten.
Hoe vlotter het schilderwerk hoe interessanter ik het vind.
Peter Rickard March 28, 2024
Hello Ben. Apart from having weekly portrait classes locally, I have learnt so much from your videos. Thank you also for your delightful guitar performances which impart a wonderful sense of peace as one digests everything you have imparted in your videos.
Peter (Melbourne Australia)
Ben Lustenhouwer March 28, 2024 — Post author
Thank you Peter, always nice to hear.
Tom Warner January 12, 2025
Mijn naam is Tom Warner, Ik zou graag info van u ontvangen over wat mogelijkheden zijn voor het volgen van een cursus. Ik schilder al aquarel en olieverf ,, heb echter het portret schilderen
nooit aangedurfd.In afwachting van uw gewaardeerde reactie. Groet Tom Warner
Ben Lustenhouwer January 22, 2025 — Post author
Hallo Tom. Neem mij niet kwalijk mijn late reactie.Ik ben bezig een workshop te plannen in mijn dorp hier in Spanje. Zodra ik meer duidelijkheid heb kan ik je
op de hoogte brengen. Vriendelijke groet.